
Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Butch Walker on my Birthday

I do not usually blog about music on my cineblax blog...(I have a music blog called Jarvys Cafe.....for that). But my Birthday is coming in a few days and I wanted to tell my cineblax readers about a musician that has found a place in my soul. Butch makes me feel the same way that a young kid feels when he first discovered Rock and Roll. Yea....I know, that sounds a little esoteric.but really music is such an amazing art form. A great song can make you feel all kinds of emotions that nothing else can. For me....that happened a lot when I was a teenager and in my 20's. But as I got older, the feeling seemed to kind of "fade away". That was until I came across Butch Walker. And what is even more amazing is that I discovered Butch way back in 1997 and I have have gone on a musical journey with him as he found his way through the landscape of metal, powerpop, hard rock, and all the crazy people. places, and bullshit that came at him for the last 15 years.... I now believe Butch Walker is the premier American Songwriter and Performer alive today! If you don't know about Butch....PLEASE, do yourself a favor and get his latest album, The Spade.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

IKEA all-in-one TV

Ikea has such great style. If I could have a brand new home and all new furnishings. It would diffidently be all Ikea. Why didn't I think of this? It is so smart to sell the whole solution. And it is not crazy $1500 for everything. When you talk about having a company put in a home theater is in the 5 figures area easy! Check out their newest idea for a TV / Entertainment Console. Just amazing!!!