
Friday, November 29, 2019

Rock IS BACK!!!!....OR IS IT?

It will be 2020 very soon and this past year there has been a alot of "talk" about Rock coming back to it's former GLORY. A big pat of this rock renaissance has been due to the almost local {Frankenmuth Michigan}rock band, Greta Van Fleet. These Michigan brothers (and great drummer, Danny Wagner) started to change the musical climate back in 2017. It is straight forward Blues Based Rock and Roll with a huge amount of comparisons to Led Zeppelin. my wife and I were really excited when we first heard G.V.F....they are a great little rock band. AND...they had begun to change the musical landscape. At the least, I had a reason to NOT TURN OFF the Grammy Awards this past year. They even scored four Grammy Award nominations, one for each major rock category — "Best Rock Album", "Best Rock Song", "Best Rock Performance" — and a "Best New Artist". Don't get me wrong, I love The Foo Fighters, but they have basically been the only so called rock band to attend the Grammy's over the last 10 years! There is.....believe it or not a lot of AMAZING NEW Rock Music out there, you just have to look for it. I keep asking myself "if rock is dead, why is a bio pic about the 70's rock gods "QUEEN" one of the hottest movies of the year?" I personally love 2 new bands that also have their roots in the "Blues" They are "Tyler Bryant & And The Shakedown. This is a GREAT band. Tyler Bryant is an amazing guitar player and singer and has the star quality....what dick face, Simon Cowell called the "X_factor". X-Factor..."It Factor" whatever the fuck...."If it ain't rock and roll it ain't worth a shit" THERE!!! There's my Manifesto! A much more authentic representation of 70's Blues Rock than Greta Van Fleet. Granted they don't sound like Led Zeppelin. But then "who does?". Certainly not GVF! I'm not dissing GVF...I just don't think they have saved R&R. But whenever you come across someone who is as amazing as Tyler Bryant, you will find that they are well versed in the blues masters and this guy has done his homework. Just like The Stones did. Take a look at their beginnings........they listened over and over to Muddy Waters and dissected every Chess record of that Chicago Blues Sound.
Then there are always the great Rock coming from Denmark!! One of my favorite bands of the past 10 years is a little known band called "THE BLUE VAN"

">"ICEAGE". Another new Copenhagen Denmark band is ICEAGE.....They are not a new band...I guess they are only to me and the rest of the USA> They have been together over 12 years.....

Well...I know I have not come upon any great revelations here, but I can tell you this much, "I still know a great new band when I hear on and I never thought I would be 65 years old, let alone be writing about my passion for rock and roll. But then again, if you asked me at 21 years old "do I think marijuana will be legal soon?"...I would have said "Fuck Ya" soon as my generation takes office, everything will change. HA, little did we know
I think there is a good reason why I have been so obsessed with Beatles History this past year. It reminds me of how much our world changed February 9th, 1964 and matter what new music that came along after that day, there will never be a change like that again. NOT EVER AGAIN! And how lucky I was to have been sitting in front of the family TV that night. is pretty amazing to have been there and experienced it. It defiantly changed my life. I had an electric guitar very soon after and fell in love with rock. A love that never went away and never let me down.