
Tuesday, January 23, 2024

"If you don't cannibalize yourself, someone else will"

Kodak is going BANKRUPT!

Former Kodak VP Don Strickland -

“We developed the world’s first consumer digital camera. Kodak could have launched it in 1992. We could not get approval to launch it because of fear of the cannibalisation of film.”

Steve Jobs -

“If you don’t cannibalize yourself, someone else will.”

Who is the Smarter CEO? This is the kind of thinking that Steve Jobs had and was able to change our world! Before the dawn of the digital camera, Kodak made nearly all of its money from selling film. In a similar manner, before the invention of the iPhone, Apple made a great deal of its money from iPods. Both the iPhone and iPad cannibalise sales of the iPod and MacBook Air, which were highly profitable major product lines. But Apple had the conviction in their belief that the iPhone and iPad were better products which would sell like crazy. Kodak didn’t have the same conviction in their digital technology. Nor the same vision.
Our world of technology moves so fast.....if you don't keep up, you will be left behind...I promise you that!

Friday, January 19, 2024

The Thing With Two Heads Podcast

I recently found a YouTube channel that I really love. It's just two guys who love the Horror Movie world. Like most cool and honest things, they both work in the industry that they have a personal love and passion for at the same time. Below is a letter I sent them to let them know what a positive influence its had on me.
Dear Sean and Chris, I am not a fan of horror movies per se, but I am a fan of movies period. I caught your show the first time because of your interview with Marcus Dunstan and Patrick Melton. I've loved movies my whole life and Project Greenlight is one of my favorite shows. As I watched a couple more episodes of TTWTH, I realized that the show was making me unusually calm and happy. At first I didn't quite understand what was happening. I didn't know anything about your backgrounds, but with a little research I soon found out that you were both musicians. I am a man that is older than both of you and and also a musician. I didn't have a day job until I was 41 years old and was lucky enough to travel the world with my group and enjoy people and places that I would never had the chance to have to have experienced if I had never been a musician playing Rock and Roll! My compliments regarding the show seem to reiterate what so many other of your listeners have noted. Your observance of the "woke world" we now live in and how it affects your day-to-day lives. I find myself talking back to my monitor as you give your *Get off My Lawn" items for the day. Feels as though you're talking right to me sometimes with the things you say. You make such a great team. Sean with your witty and sometimes sharp and cutting comments seem to balance Chis who has a tough looking exterior but very warm heart. Chris is always concerned with everyone...especially the listeners. That's what's so amazing about him. On one hand he'll almost bring me to tears and then a few minutes later say "I hate people". Sean, I looked up some of your bands and you're a Bad Ass drumer...really really great!!!! I didn't get to hear Chis play bass or guitar, but I know your good just by your taste in music. As I said in the beginning of this long dissertation, your show brings calmness and happiness to me. In today's crazy world that's an amazing accomplishment!! Peace and love to you both, Billy Csernits...... Jarvy Loves This!! Check them out....Promise you'll like it!