
Sunday, August 16, 2009

"What is Cineblax" Revisited

If you review the first post of this blog, you will find an amazing little trailer shot with a DVX100 and no depth of field adapters. Here is another great example of DYI film making and the heart of why "Cineblax" was establishished. This movie was also shot on a DVX100 by 2 brothers.
From DYI Footage:
"Shiro's Head" is an absolutely remarkable achievement with the DVX100. This DIY movie was produced, written and directed by brothers Don and Kel Muna. It was shot on location on the island of Guam USA in the Pacific.

The depth of field looks unbelievable for a first-generation DVX100. FIRST GENERATION! It's not even a DVX100A! According to an email from the Muna Bros., there were no 35 adapters used. They used the stock DVX lens and for a couple of shots used a homemade wide-angle lens. They shot the feature length movie for - get this - $6,000 (and that was mostly for living expenses). They made all of their big production equipment DIY-style. The homemade dolly track and fig rig were made from PVC pipes. The homemade camera jib was made out of aluminum tubing. Just brilliant.

According to the "Shiro's Head" official website, they've been officially selected by the Louis Vuitton Hawaii International Film Festival as well as the 1st Philadelphia Asian American Film Festival and has had multiple sold-out shows in Guam and in Hawaii.

It's an amazing feat that was pulled off a la "Robert Rodriguez" style using just the resources they had, travelling thousands of miles on space-available flights to shoot on location, borrowing props, vehicles and establishements for the look of a big-budget production. All characters in "Shiro's Head" are non-actors and were casted "off the streets". After more research, I discovered that this was actually Guam's first ever feature-length film made strictly by their indigenous islanders.
It's a new age for the Indie Fim Maker and Cineblax is here to say "The Game is Changing". Look out old boys Hollywood Network!

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